How Handle and Revenue Works in Your Sportsbook

When you are learning how to handle a busy sportsbook, you will be looking at data like your betting handle and your revenue. You will need to see how much you currently have, and be able to compare it with previous months. This will tell you of any trends that are worth noting to improve your sportsbook income. Today, we will explain how handle and revenue works in your sportsbook.

First, let us define handle. The betting handle is how much you take in from your players. It’s the gross amount that comes in your sportsbook. This is an indicator of how active your players are, and how much in wagers you took in for a time period. Your sportsbook pay per head software will track this for you, so it will be easier for you to generate reports.

How Handle and Revenue Works in Your Sportsbook

How Handle and Revenue Works in Your SportsbookNext is Revenue. Revenue is how much you earn. So, take the handle, then deduct any payouts you give to your players. Take out any other expense you made, and the final amount will be your net revenue. Normally, a high betting handle could mean high revenue, but that is not always the case.

There will be times when you will have a lot of players winning a wager. When this happens, you will end up getting less revenue, even if you have a higher handle. This is okay, it just means that your players won more for that period. As a bookie, you will want to see both numbers go up each month, but dips are understandable throughout the year. As long as your revenue remains in the green, then you are doing well. And if you need help to get started with your sportsbook, these sportsbook pay per head reviews may be of help to you.

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By Dominic